Donnerstag, 19. August 2010

Robot Trader und Algorithmischer Terrorismus

Wir schreiben seit inzwischen über ein Jahr zum Thema "Hochfrequenztrading" und mir ist nicht bekannt, daß die US-Börsenaufsicht sich überhaupt ernsthaft mit dem Thema beschäftigt hat, obwohl zahlreiche US-Kommentatoren die Praktiken der Börsenhandelsroboter im Dienste von spezialisierten US-Handelshäusern scharf kritisieren. Die US-Zeitschrift "The Atlantic" schreibt nun "Market Data Firm Spots the Tracks of Bizarre Robot Traders".


"In fact, it's hard to figure out exactly what they're up to or gauge their impact. Are they doing something illicit? If so, what? Or do the patterns emerge spontaneously, a kind of mechanical accident? If so, why? No matter what the answers to these questions turn out to be, we're witnessing a market phenomenon that is not easily explained. And it's really bizarre."

"They are moving the high-frequency services as close to the exchanges as possible because even the speed of light matters," in such a competitive market, said Stanford finance professor Peter Hansen."

"Algorithms that might be spoofing the market are something that should be made illegal," said John Bates, a former Cambridge professor and the CTO of Progress Software. But he didn't want this presumably negative practice to color the more mundane competitive practices of high-frequency traders.

"There is algorithmic terrorism and then there is reverse engineering, which is probably just part of good business practice," Bates said. "

Meet your counterparty:

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