Montag, 22. November 2010

Bank of England: Murder on the Dancefloor

Wer sagt denn, daß Banker nicht funky sein können? Die Bank of England hat sogar einen ziemlich groovigen "Executive Director for financial stability". Mr Andrew Haldane zitiert den inzwischen legendären Ausspruch von Ex-Citibank-Chef Charles "Chuck" Prince:

"Haldane argued for the need for so-called macro-prudential tools to prevent crises caused by the collective behavior of banks. Former Citigroup Inc. Chief Executive Officer Charles O. “Chuck” Prince, expressed the dynamic in 2007 by saying his institution would keep lending so long as it had access to liquidity, because “as long as the music is playing, you’ve got to get up and dance.”

Chuck Prince’s disco inferno causes murder on the dance floor,” said Haldane, who is the Bank of England’s executive director for financial stability.


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