In einem britschen Forum fand ich die Behauptung (!), daß es sich bei der mysteriösen "Stiftung X" ("Foundation X") um die noch mysteriösere Organisation namens "Office of International Treasury Control" handeln solle. Ein mögliches Indiz für diese These ist, daß laut Wikipedia sowohl dieser Verein als auch Baron James in 2005 in die Übernahme von MG Rover verwickelt waren:
"In late 2000, James was appointed as chairman of the ailing Millennium Dome project, a high profile position, and was credited with saving the attraction from financial collapse. In 2005 he attempted to make a bid for troubled carmakers MG Rover.[2] "
"The OITC and MG Rover
The OITC first came to public attention in 2005 with an attempted bid for the failed MG Rover Group in the United Kingdom. The London Daily Telegraph reported that "a Mr David Sale and a Dr Ray Dam claim to have offered to buy MG Rover for $5 billion." The Financial Times reported that the OITC had given the administrators a deposit of one pound, made out as a postal order.[1] According to Sale and Dam, Rover's administrators PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) were refusing to take their bid seriously even though (according to them) Prime Minister Tony Blair had acknowledged it in a letter. However, PWC told the Telegraph that it had never heard of the OITC and the Prime Minister's office had no record of the OITC's letter.[4] The bid met with considerable skepticism among MG Rover enthusiasts[citation needed] and was evidently discarded by the administrators, as the OITC did not appear on the final list of bidders."
Neben der Tatsache, daß dieser feine Lord sich damit brüstet, Milliarden Pfund Terroristen-Schwarzegeld gewaschen zu haben (IRA und "Nordafrikanische Terroristen"), behauptet er, daß besagte "Stiftung X" über immense Währungsreserven verfüge, die wiederum "goldgedeckt" seien. Einer seiner City-Analysten muß wohl genauere Zahlen bekommen haben, aus denen dieser schlußfolgern konnte, daß es unmöglich sei, weil für diese Deckung mehr Gold benötigt würde, als je gefördert wurde. Baron James kontert und sagt, daß die einzige Quelle für die bisher herumgereichten 165.000 ein Artikel aus dem National Geographic vor 12 Jahren sei. Die wahre Quelle sei der Vatikan.
Und hier lasse ich einfach den Baron sprechen:
"The total value of the Vatican bank reserves would claim to be more than the entire value of gold ever mined in the history of the world. "
Baron James schließt mit diesen schönen Worten:
"We must find out the truth of this situation".
Wie wahr. "Verschwörungstheorien im Parlaments-TV". Interesting Times.
Update: der britische Guardian greift das Thema auf
"...Now, you might think this is all barmy. After all, mystery foundations with vast quantities of gold bullion-backed securities to invest in the British economy don't come along every day. It's tempting to think that James has been the victim of a particularly convincing Nigerian email scam.
But if it is madness, it is madness that has reached the highest levels of government.
After all, not only have members of Foundation X met with the leader of the House of Lords, the Treasury minister, Lord Sassoon, confirmed that he has been in "detailed discussions" on this subject with James, adding that the government "take seriously anyone who wants to invest in our economy".
So what on earth is going on? One thing is for sure.
The truth is out there. "
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