Mittwoch, 17. November 2010

US-Ökonom: FED soll Aktien kaufen

Professor Roger Farmer von der UCLA prescht mutig nach vorne. Der VEB Geldproduktion (aka FED) soll Aktien kaufen!

"If the Fed were to announce that the Dow would not be allowed to drop below 11,000 over the next three months, for example, it would provide the confidence to private investors to move back into the market and spend some of the $1,000bn in excess reserves that are sitting in the banking system. But guaranteeing no downside to stocks is not, on its own, a good idea. The Fed must also limit swings on the upside. If QE simply fuels another unsustainable asset market bubble it will have made the problem worse, not better. Just as conventional monetary policy stabilizes swings in interest rates, so unconventional monetary policy must stabilize swings in asset prices."

Ich schlage allerdings vor, daß Genosse Farmer zunächst dafür sorgt, daß die FED kalifornische Kommunalobligationen kauft. Die haben es gerade nötiger:


Der kapitalistische Agitator Chris Whalen besudelt das Ansehen der sowjetischen Teilrepublik Kalifornien!

California Will Default On Its Debt, Says Chris Whalen

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