Montag, 6. Oktober 2008

Michael Ruppert von "I AM IN PERSONAL DANGER NOW"

Michael Ruppert

Michael Ruppert ist Betreiber der investigativen Website und Autor des Buches "Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil". In diesem Buch behauptet Ruppert, dass Dick Cheney als Mastermind hinter den Anschlägen von 9/11 steckt.

Michael Ruppert hat 1996 Beweise für die Verstrickung der CIA in den internationalen Drogenhandel vorgelegt.

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But it doesn't matter. I have broken an unspoken deal with the government to remain retired and not speak out. The legal harassments against me continue and I have just now crossed my own Rubicon. I am now preparing for physical attacks in the hopes that they do not occur. You who know how right I have been can help protect me by speaking my name in public, by writing to media outlets, to Congress and telling them about "Crossing the Rubicon" and our incredible record at FTW. Given that we predicted all of this, is it not reasonable to expect that someone might look to us and our work for solutions? Isn't it reasonable to point others to the map we made? Isn't that the right thing to do?

Given that everything I have predicted is coming true; given that we are witnessing the planned destruction of the U.S. economy; given that it was Republican members of congress who delayed the bailout bill... is it still so impossible to believe that Dick Cheney orchestrated and executed 9-11? They have almost handed off the carcass and evidence to a doomed Obama presidency. Oh yes, he'll win in a landslide... while the Bushes and their "base" will be laughing all the way to the bank.

Please help protect me. Speak my name. Please help others. Point them to "Rubicon" and the FTW archives and teach them the map so they can find their own paths through this.

It is a good day to die.

Michael C. Ruppert

Diesem Wunsch von Michael Ruppert kommen wir hiermit gerne nach.

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Danke Christoph für den Hinweis! Ich habe großen Respekt vor Michael Ruppert und kann mir vorstellen, daß er auf der Abschußliste steht.

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