Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2008

Lou Dobbs - Quickvote on NAU and NAFTA

Ergänzend noch das Ergebnis der CNN-Umfrage zu diesem Thema:
97 Prozent meinen, dass die Präsidentschaftskandidaten zu den Themen "North American Union" und "North American Free Trade Agreement-Superhighway" Stellung beziehen sollten.

Mir ist allerdings bloss ein Kandidat bekannt, der hierzu eine klare Aussage hat: Ron Paul.

Und seine Aussage ist: Nein Danke! Keine NAU, kein NAFTA, kein Superhighway:

"So called free trade deals and world governmental organizations like the International Criminal Court (ICC), NAFTA, GATT, WTO, and CAFTA are a threat to our independence as a nation. They transfer power from our government to unelected foreign elites."

"NAFTA’s superhighway is just one part of a plan to erase the borders between the U.S. and Mexico, called the North American Union. This spawn of powerful special interests, would create a single nation out of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, with a new unelected bureaucracy and money system. Forget about controlling immigration under this scheme.

And a free America, with limited, constitutional government, would be gone forever."

Go Ron Paul!

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