Freitag, 30. Oktober 2009

Do it again, Ron!

Ron Paul, gearing up for 2012?

fragt die LA Times und schreibt weiter:

The man's got a following, that's for sure.

Tuesday it was announced that Texas Republican Ron Paul, who wowed the Libertarian crowd during the 2008 election with his call for limited government, is set to deliver an address at the University of South Carolina on Nov. 9 about the “future of individual liberty and the importance of the U.S. Constitution.”

As if that were not enough, the following week he's scheduled to speak in Iowa, that pivotal early caucus state, with stops in Ames and Des Moines.

By this morning speculation was rife that South Carolina, which holds one of the early primaries in the presidential calendar, could be the launching pad for a new Ron Paul bid. As CNN's Political Ticker put it, "Will Ron Paul give it another go in 2012?"

1 Kommentar:

jamal hat gesagt…

i hope so... team up with jesse ventura, ron!

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