Donnerstag, 24. April 2008

Partnerschaft für Sicherheit und Wohlstand

Ach wie schön, wer will so etwas nicht? Sicherheit, Wohlstand. Toll, oder?

Wenn es sich nicht um Orwell'schen Neusprech und Doppeldenk in Perfektion handeln würde.

Auf jeden Fall will die nordamerikanische Elite nicht hinter ihren europäischen Kollegen zurückstehen, wenn es um die Abschaffung der Souveränität und des Selbstbestimmungsrechts "ihrer" Staaten geht.

Während bei uns die EU-Verfassung ohne Volksbefragung durch die Parlamente gepeitscht wird, zurren Stephen Harper (Kanada), George W. Bush (U.S.A.) und Felipe Calderon (Mexico) auf dem vierten North American Leaders' Summit in New Orleans die zukünftige North American Union unter dem schönen Mäntelchen "Security and Prosperity Partnership" fest.

Calderon, Bush und Harper (von links)

Genau wie in Europa stellen sich auch in Nordamerika nicht viele dagegen. Einer der wenigen Widerstandskämpfer ist:

Ron Paul

“As we all know, there have been significant moves recently to expand the Security and Prosperity Partnership initiated by President Bush and his Mexican and Canadian counterparts in 2005.
One such plan is to construct a so-called “NAFTA Superhighway” running from Mexico, through Texas, and up eventually into Canada.
I have opposed this project from the beginning, signing on as a co-sponsor of House Concurrent Resolution 40 expressing Congressional disapproval of the NAFTA Superhighway and any moves toward a North American Union.
More recently, I introduced an even stronger piece of legislation, H.R.5191, which would prohibit the use of federal funds to carry out this highway project.
The federal government has no business being partner to this outrageous plan, according to which countless landowners would have their private property confiscated under eminent domain.
This prohibition of funds, if passed, would go a long way toward derailing this ill-conceived project and would send a clear message that further attempts to undermine U.S. sovereignty would not be unchallenged in Congress.
It is long past time the United States House and Senate start taking our constitutional oversight roles seriously.”

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